As I mentioned in my last post, painting red on red is more difficult for me but I do like the effect. It is also introducing me to new fruits I might not think about otherwise. I have never eaten a pomegranet so that will be a further exploration once I have finished with painting it. There is something so appealing about its shape - it makes me think of hungry baby birds in the nest.
Yesterday several of us met to talk about having an art event in the spring. It was interesting to discuss the many aspects such an undertaking involves and I suspect we will find there are things we have yet to consider. The upshot was that we see no negatives and are going to proceed. As we finalize plans, I will post more information on this blog as well as on the web site we develop.
After another hiatus, I am finally back to painting and am enthusiastic about it again. I want to do a series of six small cloudscapes and have one well underway already this morning. I feel like I need to get all of them started this week as the holiday season is defintely upon us and I will be traveling quite a bit during this time.
On an entirely different topic - a friend gave me two CDs of the Huun Huur Tu throat singers from Tuva in central Asia. They are truly amazing and listening to their voices and melodies elevates my spirits and my soul. You can google them to learn about their art and to order their music. Definitely well worth it!
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