This is the second painting accepted for the smART show in the Paseo in January. I will be interested to see how people respond to them, although unfortunately I will miss the opening. Friends have liked these paintings but they may not have a broad appeal. One person said I should show some landforms at the bottom to orient the canvas but the two where I did that were not accepted into the show - and they really were less interesting to look at. You can see them posteed earlier and form your own opinion. I would love to hear your thoughts on that. I think the dark undersides of the clouds perform the same function and it can be reinforced when there is rain falling but that may not work for everyone.
We are in for a spell of very cold weather so I think I shall stay ensconced in my warm home and work on some paintings for the next few days. Two landscapes and an abstraction of adobe walls are on my easels now - I should finish all three and have some new paintings to post soon.
Congratulations on getting into the show. Acceptance into juried shows can be an energizer. I especially like Clouds IV. I think others will like them too.
Thanks, Almira!
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