Now that I am home from the holidays and almost back on track to pick up my brushes, I wanted to post this painting that I did five years ago for my sister-in-law. Her parents were life-long active members of St. Paul's; upon their deaths each was cremated and their ashes reside in the columbarium, which is in the tower. This view of the tower shows the path through the garden by which her parents always entered the church.
Upon my return home, I was fortunate enough to take a three-day workshop with Gay Faulkenberry that challenged me to move beyond my comfort zone while also reminding me of those basics of painting which I don't always remember to examine as I work. I won't be posting the studies we did in the workshop but will use those lessons as I get back to painting this week. My posts will be sporatic as I try to complete a number of paintings for my June show. However, I will post each new painting when I am satisfied that it is done.
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