If you look at Pecos Mission Ruins I, which I posted way back on May 16th, you can place this view in the context of that view of the ruins. In the Pecos I painting, on the lower right side, you see two beams sticking out from the church. In this painting, those two beams are pointing toward you, one atop the other, right next to the corner buttress. The painting it self is fairly dark (top image)and the details are hard to see, so I have lightened it a little in the lower version so you can see the details more clearly.
I have done very little painting since June and am only starting to paint regularly again - although I'll be away for several weeks and will return to prepare a senior seminar that I will be teaching in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Oklahoma. The topic of my seminar relates directly to these mission paintings as it will explore the idea that through the architectural remains of 17th century missions and pueblos we can come to some degree of understanding about the relationship between the puebloans and the friars who directed the building of these missions and played an important role in the life of the pueblos.
I do have one painting which I will finish this weekend and post before leaving. It is a complete change of direction from what I have been doing and would love to hear some comments.
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